Proud::SuperPeerRating Struct Reference

Each element of array filled at GetSuitableSuperPeerRankListInGroup. More...

Public Attributes

HostID m_hostID
double m_rating
bool m_realUdpEnabled
bool m_isBehindNat
int m_recentPingMs
int64_t m_P2PGroupTotalRecentPingMs
double m_sendSpeed
int64_t m_JoinedTime
double m_frameRate

Detailed Description

Each element of array filled at GetSuitableSuperPeerRankListInGroup.

Member Data Documentation

double Proud::SuperPeerRating::m_frameRate

Frame rate (second) that entered by user. It enters at Proud.CNetClient.SetApplicationHint

HostID Proud::SuperPeerRating::m_hostID

Peer ID in P2P group

bool Proud::SuperPeerRating::m_isBehindNat

If it locates behind of router then it is true. You can expect relialbe superpeer when host does not use router

int64_t Proud::SuperPeerRating::m_JoinedTime

Past time that after joined P2P group. If other peer is already superpeer it may hasty to change superpeer

int64_t Proud::SuperPeerRating::m_P2PGroupTotalRecentPingMs

Average latency with other peers. It is a second unit. If it is high, do not except working as superpeer

double Proud::SuperPeerRating::m_rating

Result from superpeer qualified testing by this peer ID. If value is bigger than others, it means, it is close to qualification of superpeer

bool Proud::SuperPeerRating::m_realUdpEnabled

If it communicates to server with UDP, it is true. You can expect reliable P2P if it communicates with UDP

int Proud::SuperPeerRating::m_recentPingMs

Latency between client to server. It is a second unit. If it is high, do not except working as superpeer

double Proud::SuperPeerRating::m_sendSpeed

Maximum sending speed. It is a floating-point type but byte. (to check traffic that under 1) If it is high, you can except working as superpeer