Project setting at Mac Xcode and notes for setting

ProudNet IOS has been developed by C/C++. Library & Sample have been built at XCode4.3.3 Version. The following information is about how to include ProudNet Library in XCode Project.

Need to add Include.xcodeproj in the include folder to the project by doing drag and drop in order to check ProudNet API easily.
As clicking the Link Binary With Libraries tab, add libiconv.dylib & libProudNetCommon.a & libProudNetClient.a by + button.

Notes for using ProudNet at Xcode

  • Add libiconv.dylib library. libiconv.dylib is the library that is basically provided from Xcode.
  • It is because ProudNet has been developed by C/C++, ProudNet API cannot be used at m file. Need to change the extension to mm file.
  • Need to add #include <new> to all mm files. This is based on the restriction that STL cannot be declared with header file at XCode.
  • If link error occurs when adding ProudNet Library, you will be required to add the following options. The relevant options mean symbol will be loaded at all architectures.
Add -all_load –ObjC option to Other Linker Flags.

When using -all_load –Objc option, link error relevant to "duplicate symbol" might occur. (cocos2d-x). In this case, use -force_load (instead of -all_load –Objc) at Other Linker Flags.

It is an example of using -force_load option at Other Linker Flags.