1. How to run PIDL Compiler on Linux
- Install open source Momo Project on Ubuntu (※ Mono Project supports Linux, Windows, Mac OS all.)
$sudo apt-get install mono-gmcs
$sudo apt-get install mono-runtime
- Install open source Momo Project on CentOS (※ Mono Project supports Linux, Windows, Mac OS all.)
$sudo yum install mono-devel
$sudo yum install mono-complete
- Run PIDL Compiler on Mono Platform
$mono PIDL.exe ../Sample/Simple/Common
2. How to run PIDL Compiler on Windows
- Setup PIDL Custom Build on Visual Studio Project
PIDL file custom build
The details of build setting are as followed. - Command line: <Path where holding PIDL.exe>\PIDL.exe "%(FullPath)" -outdir .\
- Description: Compiling %(Filename).pidl ...
- Output: %(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename)_common.cpp;%(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename)_common.h;%(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename)_proxy.cpp;%(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename)_proxy.h;%(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename)_stub.cpp;%(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename)_stub.h;%(Outputs)
- Additional dependency: <Path where holding PIDL.exe>\PIDL.exe
There are few things you need to be aware of.
- PIDL.exe is included in util folder of ProudNet(Example: C:/Program Files/Nettention/ProudNet/util/pidl.exe)
- The settings of Debug and Release build must be identical!
When you are done with settings, try to compile PIDL file. You are supposed to get the following messages if the compile is succeeded.
1>------ Build begin: Project: ..., Configuration: Release Win32 ------
1>Compiling TestC2C.pidl ...
1>Build log has been saved to "...".
1>ProudNetTest_2005 - Error: 0, Warning: 0
========== Build: Success 1, Fail 0, Recent 0, Skip 0 ==========
Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 version support Custom Build Rules.
If you use it, it automatically apply setting when you add PIDL files.
Custom Build Rules setup menu
In case of a version starting with Visual Studio 2010, Build customizations can be used.
Build Customizations” setting menu.
Custom Build Rules use. customizations use.