module. More...
Macros | |
#define | XXXHeapChk __noop |
Typedefs | |
typedef ByteArrayPtr::Tombstone | Proud::ByteArrayPtr_Tombstone |
typedef RefCount< CCryptoRsaKey > | Proud::CRsaKeyPtr |
typedef uint16_t | Proud::CryptCount |
typedef RefCount < CLookasideAllocator > | Proud::CLookasideAllocatorPtr |
typedef unsigned int | Proud::Crc32 |
typedef char | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::CharType |
typedef wchar_t | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::CharType |
typedef RefCount< Thread > | Proud::ThreadPtr |
typedef HANDLE(WINAPI * | Proud::CreateIoCompletionPortProc )(HANDLE FileHandle, HANDLE ExistingCompletionPort, ULONG_PTR CompletionKey, uint32_t NumberOfConcurrentThreads) |
typedef HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS | Proud::HeapInformationClass |
typedef HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS PVOID | Proud::HeapInformation |
typedef HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS PVOID size_t | Proud::HeapInformationLength |
typedef PVOID | Proud::Context |
typedef PVOID uint32_t | Proud::Flags |
typedef LPDWORD | Proud::lpNumberOfBytesTransferred |
typedef LPDWORD PULONG_PTR | Proud::lpCompletionKey |
typedef LPDWORD PULONG_PTR LPOVERLAPPED * | Proud::lpOverlapped |
typedef LPDWORD PULONG_PTR LPOVERLAPPED uint32_t | Proud::dwMilliseconds |
typedef PN_OVERLAPPED_ENTRY * | Proud::lpCompletionPortEntries |
typedef PN_OVERLAPPED_ENTRY uint32_t | Proud::ulCount |
typedef PN_OVERLAPPED_ENTRY uint32_t PULONG | Proud::ulNumEntriesRemoved |
typedef PN_OVERLAPPED_ENTRY uint32_t PULONG uint32_t BOOL | Proud::fAlertable |
typedef PVECTORED_EXCEPTION_HANDLER | Proud::VectoredHandler |
typedef BOOL(WINAPI * | Proud::GetLogicalProcessorInformation )(PSYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION Buffer, PDWORD ReturnLength) |
typedef BOOLEAN | Proud::TimerOrWaitFired |
typedef HANDLE | Proud::TimerQueue |
typedef HANDLE WaitOrTimerCallbackProc | Proud::Callback |
typedef HANDLE WaitOrTimerCallbackProc PVOID | Proud::Parameter |
typedef HANDLE WaitOrTimerCallbackProc PVOID uint32_t | Proud::DueTime |
typedef HANDLE WaitOrTimerCallbackProc PVOID uint32_t uint32_t | Proud::Period |
typedef HANDLE | Proud::Timer |
typedef HANDLE HANDLE | Proud::CompletionEvent |
typedef uint32_t | Proud::dwSpinCount |
typedef Vector3T< double > | Proud::Vector3 |
typedef Vector3T< float > | Proud::FloatVector3 |
Functions | |
PROUD_API void * | Proud::ByteArrayPtr_AllocTombstone () |
PROUD_API void | Proud::ByteArrayPtr_FreeTombstone (void *tombstone) |
void | Proud::XXXHeapChkImpl (int index=1) |
PROUD_API void | Proud::ThrowArrayIsNullError () |
template<typename T > | |
T * | Proud::FastHeap_NewInstance (CFastHeap *heap) |
template<typename T > | |
void | Proud::FastHeap_DeleteInstance (CFastHeap *heap, T *obj) |
PROUD_API int64_t | Proud::GetPreciseCurrentTimeMs () |
PROUD_API int64_t | Proud::GetEpochTimeMs () |
template<typename T > | |
T | Proud::Lerp (T v1, T v2, T ratio) |
template<typename T > | |
T | Proud::LerpInt (T v1, T v2, T ratio1, T ratio2) |
static PROUD_API int | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::SafeStringLen (const CharType *str) |
static PROUD_API void | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::CopyString (CharType *dest, int destNumOfElements, const CharType *src, int length) |
static PROUD_API int | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::StringCompare (const CharType *a, const CharType *b) |
static PROUD_API int | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::StringCompareNoCase (const CharType *a, const CharType *b) |
static PROUD_API int | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::GetFormattedLength (const char *pszFormat, va_list args) |
static PROUD_API int __cdecl | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::Format (char *pszBuffer, size_t nlength, const char *pszFormat, va_list args) throw () |
static PROUD_API char * | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::StringUppercase (char *psz, size_t size) throw () |
static PROUD_API char * | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::StringLowercase (char *psz, size_t size) throw () |
static PROUD_API const char *__cdecl | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::StringFindString (const char *pszBlock, const char *pszMatch) throw () |
static PROUD_API char *__cdecl | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::StringFindString (char *pszBlock, const char *pszMatch) throw () |
static PROUD_API const char *__cdecl | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::StringFindChar (const char *pszBlock, char chMatch) throw () |
static PROUD_API int __cdecl | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::StringSpanIncluding (const char *pszBlock, const char *pszSet) throw () |
static PROUD_API int __cdecl | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::StringSpanExcluding (const char *pszBlock, const char *pszSet) throw () |
static PROUD_API char *__cdecl | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::CharNext (const char *p) throw () |
static PROUD_API int __cdecl | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::IsDigit (char ch) throw () |
static PROUD_API int __cdecl | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::IsSpace (char ch) throw () |
template<typename PNSTRING > | |
static void | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::ToStdString (const PNSTRING &src, std::string &dest) |
template<typename PNSTRING > | |
static void | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::ToStdWString (const PNSTRING &src, std::wstring &dest) |
template<typename PNSTRING > | |
static void | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::FromStdString (const std::string &src, PNSTRING &dest) |
template<typename PNSTRING > | |
static void | Proud::AnsiStrTraits::FromStdWString (const std::wstring &src, PNSTRING &dest) |
static PROUD_API int | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::SafeStringLen (const CharType *str) |
static PROUD_API void | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::CopyString (CharType *dest, int destNumOfElements, const CharType *src, int length) |
static PROUD_API int | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::StringCompare (const CharType *a, const CharType *b) |
static PROUD_API int | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::StringCompareNoCase (const CharType *a, const CharType *b) |
static PROUD_API int | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::GetFormattedLength (const wchar_t *pszFormat, va_list args) |
static PROUD_API int __cdecl | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::Format (wchar_t *pszBuffer, size_t nLength, const wchar_t *pszFormat, va_list args) throw () |
static PROUD_API wchar_t * | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::StringUppercase (wchar_t *psz, size_t size) throw () |
static PROUD_API wchar_t * | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::StringLowercase (wchar_t *psz, size_t size) throw () |
static PROUD_API const wchar_t *__cdecl | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::StringFindString (const wchar_t *pszBlock, const wchar_t *pszMatch) throw () |
static PROUD_API wchar_t *__cdecl | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::StringFindString (wchar_t *pszBlock, const wchar_t *pszMatch) throw () |
static PROUD_API const wchar_t *__cdecl | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::StringFindChar (const wchar_t *pszBlock, wchar_t chMatch) throw () |
static PROUD_API int __cdecl | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::StringSpanIncluding (const wchar_t *pszBlock, const wchar_t *pszSet) throw () |
static PROUD_API int __cdecl | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::StringSpanExcluding (const wchar_t *pszBlock, const wchar_t *pszSet) throw () |
static PROUD_API wchar_t *__cdecl | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::CharNext (const wchar_t *psz) throw () |
static PROUD_API int __cdecl | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::IsDigit (wchar_t ch) throw () |
static PROUD_API int __cdecl | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::IsSpace (wchar_t ch) throw () |
template<typename PNSTRING > | |
static void | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::ToStdString (const PNSTRING &src, std::string &dest) |
template<typename PNSTRING > | |
static void | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::ToStdWString (const PNSTRING &src, std::wstring &dest) |
template<typename PNSTRING > | |
static void | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::FromStdString (const std::string &src, PNSTRING &dest) |
template<typename PNSTRING > | |
static void | Proud::UnicodeStrTraits::FromStdWString (const std::wstring &src, PNSTRING &dest) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | Proud::operator< (const CHeldPtr< T > a, const CHeldPtr< T > b) |
template<typename T > | |
T | Proud::GetRandomElement (const CFastArray< T > &arr) |
template<typename T > | |
T | Proud::GetRandomElement (const std::vector< T > &arr) |
void | Proud::iconv_string_convert (CStringEncoder *encoder, const char *input, size_t *inbytesleft, char *out, size_t *outbytesleft) |
PROUD_API void | Proud::USleep (long uSec) |
PROUD_API void | Proud::FindFiles (const String &directory, const String &searchFilter, CFastArray< String > &output) |
PROUD_API uint32_t | Proud::GetNoofProcessors () |
PROUD_API String | Proud::GetProcessName () |
PROUD_API uint64_t | Proud::GetCurrentThreadID () |
PROUD_API void | Proud::ShowUserMisuseError (const PNTCHAR *text) |
PROUD_API void | Proud::TraceA (const char *format,...) |
size_t | Proud::GetOccupiedPhysicalMemory () |
size_t | Proud::GetTotalPhysicalMemory () |
String | Proud::GetComputerName () |
PROUD_API bool | Proud::EnableLowFragmentationHeap () |
PROUD_API String | Proud::GetCurrentProgramDirectory () |
PROUD_API void | Proud::SetCurrentDirectoryWhereProgramExists () |
PROUD_API int | Proud::SetCurrentDirectory (const PNTCHAR *directoryName) |
PROUD_API int64_t | Proud::GetCurrentProcessId () |
PROUD_API bool | Proud::GetFileLastWriteTime (const PNTCHAR *fileName, std::time_t &output) |
PROUD_API StringA | Proud::UntabifyText (const StringA &text) |
PROUD_API StringA | Proud::ReadTextFile (const char *fileName) |
PROUD_API bool | Proud::CreateTempDirectory (const PNTCHAR *prefix, String &output) |
PROUD_API bool | Proud::FileExists (const PNTCHAR *fileName) |
bool | Proud::IsServiceMode () |
bool | Proud::IsGqcsExSupported () |
bool | Proud::IsHyperThreading () |
uint32_t | Proud::CountSetBits (uintptr_t bitMask) |
typedef | Proud::BOOL (WINAPI *HeapSetInformationProc)(HANDLE HeapHandle |
typedef | Proud::PVOID (WINAPI *AddVectoredExceptionHandlerProc)(uint32_t FirstHandler |
String | Proud::GetFullPath (const PNTCHAR *fileName) |
bool | Proud::CreateFullDirectory (const PNTCHAR *lpPathName, String &outCreatedDirectory) |
String | Proud::GetCurrentDirectory () |
typedef | Proud::VOID (NTAPI *WaitOrTimerCallbackProc)(PVOID lpParameter |
typedef | Proud::HANDLE (WINAPI *CreateTimerQueueProc)(VOID) |
bool | Proud::GetWindowsVersion (DWORD &major, DWORD &minor, DWORD &servicePack) |
PROUD_API int | Proud::GetTotalThreadCount () |
DWORD | Proud::GetThreadStatus (HANDLE const handle) |
PROUD_API void | Proud::SetThreadName (uint32_t dwThreadID, const char *szThreadName) |
PROUD_API HANDLE | Proud::GetCurrentRealThread () |
template<typename FloatType > | |
FloatType | Proud::ScalarLerp (const FloatType v1, const FloatType v2, const FloatType ratio) |
template<typename FloatType > | |
Vector3T< FloatType > | Proud::operator* (FloatType scale, const struct Vector3T< FloatType > &src) |
Please refer to Utility Programs of ProudNet for more information of
typedef RefCount<Thread> Proud::ThreadPtr |
Smart pointer of thread object.
enum Proud::ExceptionType |
Exception Type object
Enumerator | |
ExceptionType_None |
None |
ExceptionType_String | |
ExceptionType_Std |
Exception that created by Exception(std::exception& src); |
ExceptionType_ComError |
Exception that created by Exception(_com_error& src); |
ExceptionType_Void |
Exception that created by Exception(void* src); |
ExceptionType_ErrorInfo |
Exception that created by Exception(ErrorInfo* src); |
ExceptionType_Unhandled |
UnhandleException that created by Exception() |
ExceptionType_Clr |
Exception occurred in the managed code in case of using a CLR. |
This is how to access Fast Heap.
Enumerator | |
FastHeapAccessMode_UnsafeSingleThread |
Only 1 tread accesses to Fast Heap but the inside of Fast Heap is not Thread safe. This setting must be used when there is a guarantee that onl 1 thread accessed to Fast Heap.! |
FastHeapAccessMode_MultiThreaded |
This operates safely even if multiple threads accee to Fast Heap. And has a way to utilize all of CPU cores. |
enum Proud::GrowPolicy |
uint32_t Proud::CountSetBits | ( | uintptr_t | bitMask | ) |
Check the number with the bit as 1.
bitMask | Parameter to check the bit. |
bool Proud::CreateFullDirectory | ( | const PNTCHAR * | lpPathName, |
String & | outCreatedDirectory | ||
) |
Generate a directory and get the full path.
PROUD_API bool Proud::EnableLowFragmentationHeap | ( | ) |
As the feature supported only in Window XP and 2003, it uses low-fragmentation heap.
PROUD_API bool Proud::FileExists | ( | const PNTCHAR * | fileName | ) |
파일이 존재하는지?
PROUD_API void Proud::FindFiles | ( | const String & | directory, |
const String & | searchFilter, | ||
CFastArray< String > & | output | ||
) |
Find files that match fileNameWithWildcard(e.g. xxx*.txt) to output.
String Proud::GetComputerName | ( | ) |
Get the computer name.
String Proud::GetCurrentDirectory | ( | ) |
Get the current directory.
PROUD_API HANDLE Proud::GetCurrentRealThread | ( | ) |
Gets the real handle of this thread
PROUD_API uint64_t Proud::GetCurrentThreadID | ( | ) |
Returns current thread ID.
PROUD_API int64_t Proud::GetEpochTimeMs | ( | ) |
epoch 즉 1970-1-1부터의 지난 시간(밀리초)를 구합니다.
PROUD_API bool Proud::GetFileLastWriteTime | ( | const PNTCHAR * | fileName, |
std::time_t & | output | ||
) |
파일의 마지막 업데이트 시간을 리턴합니다.
성공시 true 리턴 및 output에 값이 채워집니다.
String Proud::GetFullPath | ( | const PNTCHAR * | fileName | ) |
Get the absolute pathname of the file. If it is already the absolute pathname, return as it is.
size_t Proud::GetOccupiedPhysicalMemory | ( | ) |
Calculate the physical memory occupancy rate
PROUD_API int64_t Proud::GetPreciseCurrentTimeMs | ( | ) |
Gets very precise "current time". 1ms resolution. the time cost of this function is a critical section lock.
PROUD_API String Proud::GetProcessName | ( | ) |
Get the name of the process.
DWORD Proud::GetThreadStatus | ( | HANDLE const | handle | ) |
Gain the condition of that thead currently.
size_t Proud::GetTotalPhysicalMemory | ( | ) |
Calculate the total memory
PROUD_API int Proud::GetTotalThreadCount | ( | ) |
Gain the number of whole threads which is used in process now.
bool Proud::IsGqcsExSupported | ( | ) |
Check whether it can be used. It is known that it can only be used in Server2008 or higher.
bool Proud::IsHyperThreading | ( | ) |
Check whether it supports HyperThreading.
bool Proud::IsServiceMode | ( | ) |
Check whether the current process is being executed in service mode.
inline |
Obtains a interior division ratio of two values of v1,v2, v1->v2. As ratio gets closer to 0, it gets closer to v1.
inline |
TODO:translate needed. Integer version of Lerp. Numerator of the ratio is ratio 1. Denominator is ratio 2.
inline |
Get a ratio of interior division of v1 and v2 by v1 -> v2. As ratio is closer to 0, it's closer to v1.
PROUD_API void Proud::SetCurrentDirectoryWhereProgramExists | ( | ) |
Look for the folder where this program is being run and set as the current directory.
PROUD_API void Proud::SetThreadName | ( | uint32_t | dwThreadID, |
const char * | szThreadName | ||
) |
Designates a name to thread. By doing so, each thread will have their names shown at debugger thread view.
PROUD_API void Proud::ShowUserMisuseError | ( | const PNTCHAR * | text | ) |
This is an error shown only when a ProudNet user makes a mistake.
text | Error Comment |
PROUD_API void Proud::TraceA | ( | const char * | format, |
... | |||
) |
Prints text for debugging to debugger output window or console, without newline.
typedef Proud::VOID | ( | NTAPI * | WaitOrTimerCallbackProc | ) |
Timer user callback function
The WaitOrTimerCallbackProc type defines a pointer to this callback function. WaitOrTimerCallback is a placeholder for the application-defined function name.
[in] | lpParameter | The thread data passed to the function using a parameter of the CreateTimerQueueTimer or RegisterWaitForSingleObject function. |
TimerOrWaitFired | If this parameter is TRUE, the wait timed out. If this parameter is FALSE, the wait event has been signaled. (This parameter is always TRUE for timer callbacks.) |