ProudNet: Server and Network

Please refer to ProudNet : Server and Network for description of this module. More...


class  Proud::CRemoteOfflineEventArgs
class  Proud::CRemoteOnlineEventArgs
struct  Proud::AddrPort
struct  Proud::NamedAddrPort
class  Proud::CNetUtil
class  Proud::CNetConnectionParam
class  Proud::ErrorInfo
class  Proud::HostIDArray
class  Proud::HostIDSet
class  Proud::INetClientEvent
class  Proud::CUserWorkerThreadCallbackContext
class  Proud::INetCoreEvent
class  Proud::INetServerEvent
class  Proud::IRmiHost
 ProudNet Network host interface that is referred by RMI. User does not have to use this class directly. More...
class  Proud::CClientWorkerInfo
 Structure that contain information of clientWorker. More...
class  Proud::CSocketInfo
 Structure that contain information of socket. More...
class  Proud::CThreadInfo
 Construct contains information of 1 thread. More...
class  Proud::CApplicationHint
 user program to engine More...
class  Proud::ReliableUdpHostStats
 statistics information. For debugging or performance test More...
class  Proud::CTestStats
class  Proud::CTestStats2
class  Proud::CDisconnectArgs
class  Proud::IRmiProxy
class  Proud::IRmiStub
class  Proud::CMessage
class  Proud::CSmallStackAllocMessage
class  Proud::MessageSummary
class  Proud::AfterRmiSummary
class  Proud::CNetClientInfo
class  Proud::CFrameMoveResult
 client FrameMove process result More...
class  Proud::CServerConnectionState
 Acquired result of the connection status to server. More...
class  Proud::CDirectP2PInfo
 Information that contains addresses and others for internal P2P communication in ProudNet. Used at CNetClient.GetDirectP2PInfo and so on. More...
class  Proud::CNetClient
 Network Client. More...
class  Proud::CNetConfig
class  Proud::CNetPeerInfo
struct  Proud::SuperPeerRating
 Each element of array filled at GetSuitableSuperPeerRankListInGroup. More...
class  Proud::CSuperPeerSelectionPolicy
 super peer selection policy More...
class  Proud::CP2PConnectionStats
 Statistics to P2P connection. More...
class  Proud::CP2PPairConnectionStats
 Number of attempt and success Udp messaging between RemoteA and Remote B. More...
class  Proud::CNetServer
 Gaming network server. More...
class  Proud::CStartServerParameter
class  Proud::CServiceParameter
class  Proud::CNTServiceStartParameter
class  Proud::CP2PGroup
class  Proud::CP2PGroups
class  Proud::CP2PGroupOption
class  Proud::SendFailedRemote
class  Proud::RmiContext
class  Proud::OverlappedResult
class  Proud::SocketSelectContext
class  Proud::ISocketDelegate
class  Proud::CSocket
class  Proud::CStartServerParameterBase
class  Proud::IThreadPoolEvent
class  Proud::CThreadPool


typedef uint16_t Proud::RmiID
typedef RefCount< ErrorInfo > Proud::ErrorInfoPtr
typedef RefCount< CP2PGroup > Proud::CP2PGroupPtr
typedef void(* Proud::RunAsyncFunction )(void *)


enum  Proud::SocketErrorCode {
  SocketErrorCode_Ok = 0, SocketErrorCode_Error = SOCKET_ERROR, SocketErrorCode_Timeout = WSAETIMEDOUT, SocketErrorCode_ConnectionRefused = WSAECONNREFUSED,
  SocketErrorCode_ConnectResetByRemote = WSAECONNRESET, SocketErrorCode_AddressNotAvailable = WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL, SocketErrorCode_NotSocket = WSAENOTSOCK, SocketErrorCode_ShutdownByRemote = WSAEDISCON,
  SocketErrorCode_WouldBlock = WSAEWOULDBLOCK, SocketErrorCode_IoPending = WSA_IO_PENDING, SocketErrorCode_AccessError = WSAEACCES, SocketErrorCode_OperationAborted = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED,
  SocketErrorCode_InvalidArgument = WSAEINVAL, SocketErrorCode_Intr = WSAEINTR, SocketErrorCode_InProgress = WSAEINPROGRESS, SocketErrorCode_AlreadyIsConnected = WSAEISCONN,
  SocketErrorCode_AlreadyAttempting = WSAEALREADY, SocketErrorCode_Cancelled = WSAECANCELLED, SocketErrorCode_NetUnreachable = WSAENETUNREACH
enum  ShutdownFlag { ShutdownFlag_Send = SD_SEND, ShutdownFlag_Receive = SD_RECEIVE, ShutdownFlag_Both = SD_BOTH }
enum  Proud::CompressMode { Proud::CM_None, Proud::CM_Zip }
enum  Proud::EncryptMode { Proud::EM_None, Proud::EM_Secure, Proud::EM_Fast, EM_LAST }
enum  Proud::MessagePriority {
  MessagePriority_Ring0 = 0, MessagePriority_Ring1, Proud::MessagePriority_High, Proud::MessagePriority_Medium,
  Proud::MessagePriority_Low, MessagePriority_Ring99, MessagePriority_LAST
enum  MessageReliability { MessageReliability_Unreliable = 0, MessageReliability_Reliable, MessageReliability_LAST }
enum  Proud::HostID { Proud::HostID_None = 0, Proud::HostID_Server = 1, Proud::HostID_Last = 2 }
enum  _RmiID { RmiID_None = 0, RmiID_Last = 65535 }
enum  Proud::LogCategory { Proud::LogCategory_System, Proud::LogCategory_Tcp, Proud::LogCategory_Udp, Proud::LogCategory_P2P }
enum  Proud::HackType { Proud::HackType_None, Proud::HackType_SpeedHack, Proud::HackType_PacketRig }
enum  Proud::ConnectionState { Proud::ConnectionState_Disconnected, Proud::ConnectionState_Connecting, Proud::ConnectionState_Connected, Proud::ConnectionState_Disconnecting }
enum  Proud::FallbackMethod { Proud::FallbackMethod_None, Proud::FallbackMethod_PeersUdpToTcp, Proud::FallbackMethod_ServerUdpToTcp, Proud::FallbackMethod_CloseUdpSocket }
enum  Proud::DirectP2PStartCondition { Proud::DirectP2PStartCondition_Jit, Proud::DirectP2PStartCondition_Always, DirectP2PStartCondition_LAST }
enum  Proud::MiniDumpAction { Proud::MiniDumpAction_None = 0, Proud::MiniDumpAction_DoNothing, Proud::MiniDumpAction_AlarmCrash }
enum  Proud::ServerUdpAssignMode { Proud::ServerUdpAssignMode_None, Proud::ServerUdpAssignMode_PerClient, Proud::ServerUdpAssignMode_Static }
enum  SocketType { SocketType_Tcp, SocketType_Udp, SocketType_Raw, SocketType_WebSocket }
enum  Proud::RunAsyncType { Proud::RunAsyncType_Single, Proud::RunAsyncType_Parallel }


void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const AddrPort &b)
void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const NamedAddrPort &b)
int Proud::CompareHostID (HostID lhs, HostID rhs)
PROUD_API const PNTCHAR * Proud::ToString (LogCategory logCategory)
PROUD_API const PNTCHAR * Proud::ToString (ConnectionState val)
void Proud::ThrowExceptionOnReadString (int length)
PROUD_API void Proud::ThrowExceptionOnReadArray (int64_t length)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, const StringA &str)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, StringA &str)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, const StringW &str)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, StringW &str)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, const std::string &str)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, std::string &str)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, const std::wstring &str)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, std::wstring &str)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, const char *str)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, const wchar_t *str)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, bool b)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, int8_t b)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, uint8_t b)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, int16_t b)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, uint16_t b)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, int32_t b)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, uint32_t b)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, uint64_t b)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, int64_t b)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, float b)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, double b)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, bool &b)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, int8_t &b)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, uint8_t &b)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, int16_t &b)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, uint16_t &b)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, int32_t &b)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, uint32_t &b)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, uint64_t &b)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, int64_t &b)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, float &b)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, double &b)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, AddrPort &b)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, AddrPort b)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, ByteArray &b)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, const ByteArray &b)
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a,::timespec &tc)
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, const ::timespec &tc)
template<typename elem , bool elem_in_ref, bool RAWTYPE, typename INDEXTYPE >
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, CFastArray< elem, elem_in_ref, RAWTYPE, INDEXTYPE > &b)
template<typename elem , bool elem_in_ref, bool RAWTYPE, typename INDEXTYPE >
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, const CFastArray< elem, elem_in_ref, RAWTYPE, INDEXTYPE > &b)
PROUD_API CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, const NamedAddrPort &b)
PROUD_API CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, NamedAddrPort &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const bool &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const int8_t &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const uint8_t &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const int16_t &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const uint16_t &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const int32_t &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const uint32_t &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const int64_t &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const uint64_t &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const float &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const double &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const char *&b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const wchar_t *&b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const StringA &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const StringW &b)
void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const std::string &b)
void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const std::wstring &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const POINT &b)
template<typename elem >
void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const CFastArray< elem > &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const ByteArray &b)
PROUD_API void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const ::timespec &b)
template<typename FloatType >
CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, Vector3T< FloatType > &b)
template<typename FloatType >
CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, const Vector3T< FloatType > &b)
void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const FloatVector3 &b)
void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const Vector3 &b)
template<typename K , typename V >
__forceinline CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, CFastMap< K, V > &b)
template<typename K , typename V >
__forceinline CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, const CFastMap< K, V > &b)
template<typename K , typename V >
__forceinline void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const CFastMap< K, V > &b)
template<typename elem >
__forceinline CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, CFastList< elem > &b)
template<typename elem >
__forceinline CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, const CFastList< elem > &b)
template<typename elem >
__forceinline void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const CFastList< elem > &b)
__forceinline CMessage & Proud::operator<< (CMessage &a, const ByteArrayPtr &b)
__forceinline CMessage & Proud::operator>> (CMessage &a, ByteArrayPtr &b)
__forceinline void Proud::AppendTextOut (String &a, const ByteArrayPtr &b)
template<typename elem >
String Proud::TestMarshaler (const elem &testee)


const int Proud::InvalidSocket = 0
PROUD_API const PNTCHAR * Proud::ProxyBadSignatureErrorText
const PNTCHAR * Proud::DecryptFailedError

Detailed Description

Please refer to ProudNet : Server and Network for description of this module.

Typedef Documentation

typedef RefCount<ErrorInfo> Proud::ErrorInfoPtr

Smart pointer of the object that contains error info

  • ErrorInfoPtr does not use fast alloc since it does not exist often

Enumeration Type Documentation

Compression mode


Do not compress


Compress with ZIP algorism

Connection status with other hosts


Disconnected condition


Tried connecting but result is unknown


Succeed to connect


Disconnecting is in progress

Conditions to start hole-punching for direct P2P communication among clients


Unless really needed, it is recommended not to do hole-punching. Using this is strongly recommended.


This forcefully begins hole-punching at the moment when P2P communication among clients is allowed by CNetServer.CreateP2PGroup or CNetServer.JoinP2PGroup or others. For an example, if there is a need to change super peer at P2P Networking for Super Peer (Super Peer or host) during game play, this may be needed.

Setup value of encryption and decryption


Do not encrypt


Do encryption that mixture with RSA and AES. Do not use with secure message such as logon


Do encryption that mixture with RSA and Fast. Encryption is required like moving character but please consider about performance.

How to intentially use TCP fallback


No Fallback. In other words, UDP communication to both server and peer are in use.


Regards that UDP with server is sustained but UDP with other peers to be disconnected. Reproduce a circumstance similar to a temporary port mapping failure. This is the lowest option with weakest impact.


Regards that UDP with server is disconnected. Reproduce a circumstance similar to a temporary port mapping failure. On top of that, it also disconnects UDP with peers. Intermediate impact.


All UDP sockets of client will be shut down. UDP restoration will never be possible. Strongest impact.

Type of hacking


No hacking


Speek hack


Handle packet

ProudNet host identifier






(Do not use it)

It is a category type of the log occurred within the module.


Basic System


Relevant to TCP communication


Relevant to UDP communication


Relevant to P2P communication

Message transmission priority. Refer to Prioritizing message transmission.


High priority


Medium priority. Used most frequently


Low priority

Mini Dump Type


It is a general program.


In case of mini dump file creation by user calling.


In case of mini dump file creation by crash.

비동기 실행의 종류입니다.


1개의 스레드에서만 비동기 실행을 합니다.


모든 스레드에서 비동기 실행을 합니다. 예를 들어 thread pool 안에 스레드가 3개이면 각 스레드에서의 비동기 실행이 동시에 일어나서, 즉 3회의 비동기 실행이 됩니다.

This is a policy allocating UDP sockets to be used by the serverwhen communicating with the clients. Please refer Method of using Server UDP Port for more details.


Not designated. Users are not to use this value.


For each clients that coonects, it is to use different UDP port for each of them.

    All the clients that connect reuse the UDP ports that are already prepared.
    When using this option, it is possible to cause some clients hard to communicate with the server due to UDP characteristics.
    - This is option is prepared for the lower compatibility of Proudnet and it is not recommended to use.
    - It is necessary to use a firewall setup to use this feature. Please refer <a target="_blank" href="" >Firewall setup for ICMP related

for more details. This value affects Proud.CStartServerParameter.m_udpPorts also.

Socket Error Code

Function Documentation

template<typename elem >
String Proud::TestMarshaler ( const elem &  testee)

It tests marshaler method that created by user. Please use it for debugging.

testeeVariable type object that created by user. We recommend to put complex value for testing. This object time has to have Equals() method as member. It has return ture when Equals() method compare two value and if it is the same.
If there in no error, it will send an empty string. If there is error then return information of error. Example
MyType a;
a = ...; // Put something in