Database schema (DB schema) is an operation routine and a structure of data being stored in game database. Schema contains Table, View, Index, and Stored Procedure. Schema can backup structure in format of schema generation script and recover itself with a generated script.
UUID or GUID is an abbreviated term for Unique or Global Universal Identifier. GUID is a data block with the size of 16 bytes and the generated GUID stochastically guarantees its uniqueness. Please refer to for more details.
ProudDB appoints UUID to each Gamer, Hero, and WorldObject. Even though UUID is only 16 bytes in size, but its universal uniqueness displays its high effectiveness on some important cases such as server merge, gamer account shift, gamer ID change and etc.
Stored Procedure is a program function in SQL syntax that can be used in DBMS.
Commonly query syntax string gets created by application program and passed as accessing database but if possible, it is more effective to call for stored procedure directly in both performance-wise and stability-wise (database lockup policy and etc.) after making query syntax routine as stored procedure.
In engineering field, race condition refers to a status of more than 2 inputs and controls are being processed. At a condition like this, a flaw may occur in the process that outputs unexpected result. Such flaw is called race hazard.
In computer science, race condition means a state that several processes attempting to access shared resource simultaneously, which most likely affects the consistency of data.
In order to prevent this from happening, process cooperation method is required.
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