PROUDSRV_API void | IterateAndCopyFrom (CAdoRecordset &source) |
PROUDSRV_API void | IterateAndAppendFrom (CAdoRecordset &source) |
| CFastArray () |
| CFastArray (const CAdoOfflineRecord *data, intptr_tcount) |
| CFastArray (const CFastArray &src) |
void | SetGrowPolicy (GrowPolicy val) |
GrowPolicy | GetGrowPolicy () |
void | SetMinCapacity (intptr_tnewCapacity) |
void | SetCapacity (intptr_tnewCapacity) |
void | SuspendShrink () |
void | OnRecycle () |
void | OnDrop () |
void | SetCount (intptr_tnewVal) |
void | AddCount (intptr_taddLength) |
void | resize (intptr_tsz) |
| for STL compatibility
intptr_t | GetCapacity () const |
intptr_t | GetCount () const |
intptr_t | size () const |
| for STL compatibility
bool | IsEmpty () const |
void | Clear () |
void | ClearAndKeepCapacity () |
T_IN | ElementAt (intptr_tindex) const |
CAdoOfflineRecord & | ElementAt (intptr_tindex) |
T_IN | operator[] (intptr_tindex) const |
CAdoOfflineRecord & | operator[] (intptr_tindex) |
CAdoOfflineRecord * | GetData () |
const CAdoOfflineRecord * | GetData () const |
void | Add (T_IN value) |
void | push_back (T_IN value) |
void | Insert (intptr_tindexAt, T_IN value) |
void | AddRange (const CAdoOfflineRecord *data, intptr_tcount) |
void | InsertRange (intptr_tindexAt, const CAdoOfflineRecord *data, intptr_tcount) |
void | CopyRangeTo (CFastArray &dest, intptr_tsrcOffset, intptr_tcount) const |
void | CopyTo (CFastArray &dest) const |
void | CopyFrom (const CFastArray &src) |
void | CopyFrom (const CAdoOfflineRecord *from, intptr_tfromCount) |
void | RemoveRange (intptr_tindex, intptr_tcount) |
void | RemoveAt (intptr_tindex) |
bool | RemoveOneByValue (T_IN value) |
CFastArray & | operator= (const CFastArray &src) |
intptr_t | FindByValue (T_IN value) |
bool | Contains (T_IN value) |
bool | Equals (const CFastArray &rhs) const |
void | clear () |
| for STL compatibility
iterator | begin () |
const_iterator | begin () const |
iterator | end () |
const_iterator | end () const |
iterator | erase (iterator iter) |
CAdoOfflineRecord | PopBack () |
void | RemoveAndPullLast (intptr_tindex) |
virtual void | DataBlock_Free (void *data) |
virtual void * | DataBlock_Alloc (size_t length) |
virtual void * | DataBlock_Realloc (void *oldPtr, size_t newLength) |
CAdoRecordset accesses record as maintaining the connection with DBMS while CAdoOfflineRecordset can do so without being connected DBMS. In order for this, you can save the copy of record through or IterateAndAppendFrom from CAdoRecordset as an object. This object can help minimizing the connection duration time of DBMS as accessing DBMS.
This object is an array object of CAdoOfflineRecord.
CAUTION: Refer to ToVariant(), ToLongLong(). This issue could arise in OS below than Windows 2000.