Main Page
Advanced usage of ProudNet
Using include or import statement in PIDL contents.
Marshaling PIDL parameter type
RMI 함수별로 ID를 개별 지정하기
Maintaining the past send-receive operation method
Message Object(Proud.CMessage)
Gaining various information from server
Gaining various information from client
Earning hole-punched address of client
통신 메시지 암호화하기
Compressing communication message
Traffic auto-control function (Throttling)
Routed multicasting several clients from server
Gaining latency (ping time) between hosts
Gaining server time from client
Approaching the moment of every RMI call
Speed-hack Detection
How to include a server as a peer - to - peer group member
Using ProudNet with other languages than C++
User-defined data(Tag) for each host
P2P Networking for Super Peer (Super Peer or host)
Client log in emergency case
Share Thread Pool that has same host module in a server.
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