Proud::CNetPeerInfo Class Reference

Public Member Functions

String ToString (bool atServer)

Public Attributes

AddrPort m_UdpAddrFromServer
AddrPort m_UdpAddrInternal
HostID m_HostID
bool m_RelayedP2P
HostIDArray m_joinedP2PGroups
bool m_isBehindNat
int m_recentPingMs
int m_sendQueuedAmountInBytes
void * m_hostTag
double m_directP2PPeerFrameRate
uint32_t m_toRemotePeerSendUdpMessageTrialCount
uint32_t m_toRemotePeerSendUdpMessageSuccessCount
int64_t m_unreliableMessageReceiveSpeed
int64_t m_udpSendDataTotalBytes

Detailed Description

Information construct of opponent host

Member Data Documentation

double Proud::CNetPeerInfo::m_directP2PPeerFrameRate

Frame Rate of client

  • User input value at CNetClient.SetApplicationHint
  • It uses to check Frame Rate that each peers in P2P group
  • You can use to select super peer with ping
  • To reduce traffic, it sends/receives with float value
HostID Proud::CNetPeerInfo::m_HostID

Int of peer that allocated by CNetServer.

void* Proud::CNetPeerInfo::m_hostTag

Pointer of user defined tag

bool Proud::CNetPeerInfo::m_isBehindNat

If true then this client is behind NAT device

HostIDArray Proud::CNetPeerInfo::m_joinedP2PGroups

P2P group list that this client is participating

int Proud::CNetPeerInfo::m_recentPingMs

Recently measured the average time of ping (in Millisecond)

bool Proud::CNetPeerInfo::m_RelayedP2P

If true then RMI towards to peer of tis client P2P relayes.

int Proud::CNetPeerInfo::m_sendQueuedAmountInBytes

Total amount(in byte) of waiting messages to be sent to this peer

  • If getting from peer by server: Total amount of transmission by client
  • If getting from peer by client: Total amount of transmission by client (but excluding relayed messages)
uint32_t Proud::CNetPeerInfo::m_toRemotePeerSendUdpMessageSuccessCount

Total succeed number of sending Udp packet from CNetClient to other client

uint32_t Proud::CNetPeerInfo::m_toRemotePeerSendUdpMessageTrialCount

Total attempted number of sending Udp packet from CNetClient to other client

AddrPort Proud::CNetPeerInfo::m_UdpAddrFromServer

Address of TCP socket of peer from server perspective. In other words, recognized address after finished t hole-punching from client to server.

AddrPort Proud::CNetPeerInfo::m_UdpAddrInternal

Address of UDP socket inside of peer

  • The client that has not comp[leted UDP hole-punching with server, in other words the client communicating only through TCP can have this value as unassigned. But this is not abnormal situation.