Proud::CDbCacheClient2 Class Referenceabstract

Public Member Functions

virtual bool Connect (CDbCacheClient2ConnectParameter &param, ErrorInfoPtr &outError)=0
virtual bool Connect (CDbCacheClient2ConnectParameter &param)=0
virtual void Disconnect ()=0
virtual void RequestExclusiveLoadData (String rootTableName, String fieldName, CVariant cmpValue, intptr_t tag, ByteArray &message=ByteArray())=0
virtual void RequestExclusiveLoadDataByGuid (String rootTableName, Guid rootUUID, intptr_t tag, ByteArray &message=ByteArray())=0
virtual void RequestExclusiveLoadDataByQuery (String rootTableName, String queryString, intptr_t tag, ByteArray &message=ByteArray())=0
virtual void RequestExclusiveLoadNewData (String rootTableName, CPropNodePtr addData, intptr_t tag, bool transaction=false)=0
virtual bool RequestAddData (Guid rootUUID, Guid ownerUUID, CPropNodePtr addData, intptr_t tag)=0
virtual bool RequestUpdateData (CPropNodePtr updateData, intptr_t tag)=0
virtual bool RequestRemoveData (Guid rootUUID, Guid removeUUID, intptr_t tag)=0
virtual bool RequestRecursiveUpdateData (CLoadedData2Ptr loadedData, intptr_t tag, bool transactional=false)=0
virtual bool BlockedAddData (Guid rootUUID, Guid ownerUUID, CPropNodePtr addData, uint32_t timeOutTime=30000, ErrorInfoPtr outError=ErrorInfoPtr())=0
virtual bool BlockedUpdateData (CPropNodePtr updateData, uint32_t timeOutTime=30000, ErrorInfoPtr outError=ErrorInfoPtr())=0
virtual bool BlockedRemoveData (Guid rootUUID, Guid removeUUID, uint32_t timeOutTime=30000, ErrorInfoPtr outError=ErrorInfoPtr())=0
virtual bool BlockedRecursiveUpdateData (CLoadedData2Ptr loadedData, bool transactional=false, uint32_t timeOutTime=30000, ErrorInfoPtr outError=ErrorInfoPtr())=0
virtual bool UnilateralAddData (Guid rootUUID, Guid ownerUUID, CPropNodePtr addData, bool writeDbmsImmediately=true)=0
virtual bool UnilateralUpdateData (CPropNodePtr updateData, bool writeDbmsImmediately=true)=0
virtual bool UnilateralMoveData (String rootTableName, Guid rootUUID, Guid nodeUUID, Guid destRootUUID, Guid destNodeUUID, bool writeDbmsImmediately=true)=0
virtual bool UnilateralRemoveData (Guid rootUUID, Guid removeUUID, bool writeDbmsImmediately=true)=0
virtual bool UnilateralRecursiveUpdateData (CLoadedData2Ptr loadedData, bool transactional=false, bool writeDbmsImmediately=true)=0
virtual bool UnloadDataBySessionGuid (Guid sessionGuid, ByteArray &messageToNextLoader=ByteArray())=0
virtual void DenyUnloadData (Guid sessionGuid, ByteArray &messageToRequester=ByteArray())=0
virtual void ForceCompleteUnload (Guid rootUUID)=0
virtual void RequestNonExclusiveSnapshotData (String rootTableName, String fieldName, CVariant cmpValue, intptr_t tag)=0
virtual void RequestNonExclusiveSnapshotDataByGuid (String rootTableName, Guid rootUUID, intptr_t tag)=0
virtual void RequestNonExclusiveSnapshotDataByQuery (String rootTableName, String searchString, intptr_t tag)=0
virtual void RequestNonExclusiveAddData (String rootTableName, Guid rootUUID, Guid ownerUUID, CPropNodePtr addData, intptr_t tag, ByteArray &messageToLoader=ByteArray())=0
virtual void RequestNonExclusiveRemoveData (String rootTableName, Guid rootUUID, Guid removeUUID, intptr_t tag, ByteArray &messageToLoader=ByteArray())=0
virtual void RequestNonExclusiveSetValueIf (String rootTableName, Guid rootUUID, Guid nodeUUID, String propertyName, CVariant newValue, ValueCompareType compareType, CVariant compareValue, intptr_t tag, ByteArray &messageToLoader=ByteArray())=0
virtual void RequestNonExclusiveModifyValue (String rootTableName, Guid rootUUID, Guid nodeUUID, String propertyName, ValueOperType operType, CVariant value, intptr_t tag, ByteArray &messageToLoader=ByteArray())=0
virtual bool RequestIsolateData (Guid rootUUID, String rootTableName, Guid &outSessionGuid)=0
virtual bool RequestDeisolateData (Guid rootUUID, String filterText, Guid &outSessionGuid)=0
virtual CLoadedData2Ptr GetClonedLoadedDataBySessionGuid (Guid sessionGuid)=0
virtual CLoadedData2Ptr GetClonedLoadedDataByUUID (Guid rootUUID)=0
virtual HostID GetLocalHostID ()=0
virtual bool IsLoggedOn ()=0

Static Public Member Functions

New ()

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::BlockedAddData ( Guid  rootUUID,
Guid  ownerUUID,
CPropNodePtr  addData,
uint32_t  timeOutTime = 30000,
ErrorInfoPtr  outError = ErrorInfoPtr() 
pure virtual

Block type method.

  • It write to DBMS first then update to memory like request response type.
  • Only difference is not return before request has done. Once request is finished then return.
    rootUUIDrootUUID of additional data
    ownerUUIDownerUUID of additional data
    addDataadditional data
    timeOutTimeWaiting time to prevent unlimited roop. default 30sec
    outErrorError type
virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::BlockedRecursiveUpdateData ( CLoadedData2Ptr  loadedData,
bool  transactional = false,
uint32_t  timeOutTime = 30000,
ErrorInfoPtr  outError = ErrorInfoPtr() 
pure virtual

Instead BlockedUpdateData(CPropNodePtr,...), it process add, update, remove, etc to search all under node that LoadedData owned.

  • If you do not set transactional, some data will commit to dbms when it failed.
  • Do not believe data before you receive Notify.
  • Use GetClonedDataBySessionGuid when you need to roll-back.
    loadedDataLoadedData to save changes
    transactionalDo transaction as request whether or not
    timeOutTimeWaiting time to prevent unlimited roop. default 30sec
    outErrorError type
virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::BlockedRemoveData ( Guid  rootUUID,
Guid  removeUUID,
uint32_t  timeOutTime = 30000,
ErrorInfoPtr  outError = ErrorInfoPtr() 
pure virtual

Refer to BlockedNonCacheAddData

rootUUIDTODO:translate needed.
removeUUIDTODO:translate needed.
timeOutTimeWaiting time to prevent unlimited roop. default 30sec
outErrorError type
virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::BlockedUpdateData ( CPropNodePtr  updateData,
uint32_t  timeOutTime = 30000,
ErrorInfoPtr  outError = ErrorInfoPtr() 
pure virtual

Refer to BlockedNonCacheAddData

updateDataTODO:translate needed.
timeOutTimeWaiting time to prevent unlimited roop. default 30sec
outErrorError type
virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::Connect ( CDbCacheClient2ConnectParameter param,
ErrorInfoPtr outError 
pure virtual

Attempts to connect to DB cache server2

virtual void Proud::CDbCacheClient2::DenyUnloadData ( Guid  sessionGuid,
ByteArray messageToRequester = ByteArray() 
pure virtual

It does not admit Unload

  • This interface has to call after callback arrived to OnUnloadDataRequested.
  • If you call this function, it does not pass exclusive rights to other client.
    sessionGuidIt is a session Guid of the exclusive data.
    messageToRequesterIt is a user random message that is sent to the exclusive right requester. The requester may check the relevant message through args.m_loadResults[index].m_message of IDbCacheClientDelegate2.OnExclusiveLoadDataFailed.
virtual void Proud::CDbCacheClient2::Disconnect ( )
pure virtual

Disconnect from DB cache server2 and sweep all data

virtual void Proud::CDbCacheClient2::ForceCompleteUnload ( Guid  rootUUID)
pure virtual

Data tree is completely uploaded from DB cache. It must be uploaded in DB cache client and DB cache server.

If you want to deal with data tree that DB cache is using by direct DB access, you need to use DB directly has access to data that DB cache deals with function instead of this function.

rootUUIDthis is root UUID of data tree that is going to be unloaded.
virtual CLoadedData2Ptr Proud::CDbCacheClient2::GetClonedLoadedDataBySessionGuid ( Guid  sessionGuid)
pure virtual

Gets the latest status value of data

sessionGuidSession guid obtained from RequestExclusiveLoadData or RequestExclusiveLoadNewData
Obtained object It does not update to actual DB because it is a copy If you want to update it to actual DB, you need send it to server through UpdateData function.
virtual CLoadedData2Ptr Proud::CDbCacheClient2::GetClonedLoadedDataByUUID ( Guid  rootUUID)
pure virtual

TODO:translate needed. It is same as above but find it with rootUUID

virtual HostID Proud::CDbCacheClient2::GetLocalHostID ( )
pure virtual

Obtain HostID of this client

virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::IsLoggedOn ( )
pure virtual

Find out DB cache client2 has got authentication from DB cache server2 whether or not.

static PROUDSRV_API CDbCacheClient2* Proud::CDbCacheClient2::New ( )

Creates DB cache client2 instance

virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestAddData ( Guid  rootUUID,
Guid  ownerUUID,
CPropNodePtr  addData,
intptr_t  tag 
pure virtual

Request response type method

  • If field contain constraints, use this method
  • Succeed or failed event will arrive to each functions
  • It writes data to DBMS then update to memory rather than cached to memory then write to DBMS.
  • Example is as followed
    intptr_t tag = new object;
    OnAddDataSuccess(CCallbackArgs &args)
    args.m_tag;// Setting value will be here
    rootUUIDrootUUID of additional data
    ownerUUIDownerUUID of additional data
    addDataadditional data
    tagVerifying value about request that user need to put in. When you callback, it go throuth m_tag in CCallbackArg.
virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestDeisolateData ( Guid  rootUUID,
String  filterText,
Guid outSessionGuid 
pure virtual

DB directly has access to data that DB cache deals with function. Request for deisolating data tree that has been isolated.

If deisolating request is successful, DB cache will be ready to be loaded & saved.

  • If data tree is successfully deisolated from DB cache, OnDeisolateDataSuccess event will occur.
  • If data tree has been already isolated or deisolating fails, OnDeisolateDataFailed event will occur.
rootUUIDIt is root UUID of data tree that is going to be deisolated.
rootTableNameIt is root table name of data tree that is going to be deisolated.
[out]outSessionGuidsession identifier.
virtual void Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestExclusiveLoadData ( String  rootTableName,
String  fieldName,
CVariant  cmpValue,
intptr_t  tag,
ByteArray message = ByteArray() 
pure virtual

Exclusive Load request method.

rootTbaleNameroot table name of additional data
fieldNamefieldName that will search
cmpValuecoparable value
tagIt is a user random data that returns when IDbCacheClientDelegate2.OnExclusiveLoadDataComplete is responded. This value returns through parameter args.m_tag.
messageIt is a user random data that is sent to the existing sole owner in case of requesting exclusive data (loaded exclusively). This message is sent to the existing sole owner through parameter args.m_loadResults[index].m_message of IDbCacheClientDelegate2.OnDataUnloadRequested.
virtual void Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestExclusiveLoadDataByGuid ( String  rootTableName,
Guid  rootUUID,
intptr_t  tag,
ByteArray message = ByteArray() 
pure virtual

Exclusive Load it is a request method.

rootTableNameit is a root table name of data that needs to be added.
rootUUIDit is rootUUID that needs to be found.
tagIt is a user random data that returns when IDbCacheClientDelegate2.OnExclusiveLoadDataComplete is responded. This value returns through parameter args.m_tag.
messageIt is a user random data that is sent to the existing sole owner in case of requesting exclusive data (loaded exclusively). This message is sent to the existing sole owner through parameter args.m_loadResults[index].m_message of IDbCacheClientDelegate2.OnDataUnloadRequested.
virtual void Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestExclusiveLoadDataByQuery ( String  rootTableName,
String  queryString,
intptr_t  tag,
ByteArray message = ByteArray() 
pure virtual

Exclusive Load it is a request method.

rootTableNameit is a root table name of data that needs to be added.
queryStringsend the query like "select RootUUID from %s where %s" to find RootUUID. The first parameter is rootTableName and it is a string that is going to be inserted into a field after where. It must be written in accordance with SQL syntax.
tagIt is a user random data that returns when IDbCacheClientDelegate2.OnExclusiveLoadDataComplete is responded. This value returns through parameter args.m_tag.
messageIt is a user random data that is sent to the existing sole owner in case of requesting exclusive data (loaded exclusively). This message is sent to the existing sole owner through parameter args.m_loadResults[index].m_message of IDbCacheClientDelegate2.OnDataUnloadRequested.
virtual void Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestExclusiveLoadNewData ( String  rootTableName,
CPropNodePtr  addData,
intptr_t  tag,
bool  transaction = false 
pure virtual

Function use for add data to RootTable and use it immediately.

  • Sample is as followed
CPropNodePtr newNode = CPropNodePtr(new CPropNode(L"Gamer"));
newNode->Fields[L"GamerID"] = "Ulelio";
intptr_t tag; // User Defined Identifier
m_dbCacheClient->RequestExclusiveLoadNewData(L"Gamer", newNode, tag, transaction);
rootTbaleNameroot table name of additional data
addDataAdditional data
tagIt is a user random data that returns when IDbCacheClientDelegate2.OnExclusiveLoadDataComplete is responded. This value returns through parameter args.m_tag.
transactionDo transaction as request whether or not
virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestIsolateData ( Guid  rootUUID,
String  rootTableName,
Guid outSessionGuid 
pure virtual

DB directly has access to data that DB cache deals with function. It requests access to data tree that DB cache is using by direct DB access. DB cache unloads data tree that is the process of caching for user’s safe access.

If isolate request is successful, DB cache will never have access to data tree. After calling this function, a user has access to data directly. Once works are done, a user must inform DB cache by calling RequestDeisolateData that works have been done.

  • If data tree is successfully isolated from DB cache, OnIsolateDataSuccess event will occur.
  • If data tree has been already isolated or unloading fails, OnIsolateDataFailed event will occur.
rootUUIDIt is root UUID of data tree that is going to be isolated.
rootTableNameIt is root table name of data tree that is going to be isolated.
[out]outSessionGuidsession identifier.
virtual void Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestNonExclusiveAddData ( String  rootTableName,
Guid  rootUUID,
Guid  ownerUUID,
CPropNodePtr  addData,
intptr_t  tag,
ByteArray messageToLoader = ByteArray() 
pure virtual

Accessing non-exclusive data function. Callback:

Exclusive DB Cache Client Callback:

rootTableNameit is name of root table.
rootUUIDit is UUID of root.
ownerUUIDit is UUID of owner.
addDatait is data of node that is going to be added.
tagVerifying value about request that user need to put in. When you callback, it go throuth m_tag in CCallbackArg.
messageToLoaderIt is a user random message that is sent to a sole owner of the relevant data. The sole owner has this through args.m_loadResults[index].m_message of IDbCacheClientDelegate2::OnSomeoneAddData.
virtual void Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestNonExclusiveModifyValue ( String  rootTableName,
Guid  rootUUID,
Guid  nodeUUID,
String  propertyName,
ValueOperType  operType,
CVariant  value,
intptr_t  tag,
ByteArray messageToLoader = ByteArray() 
pure virtual

Accessing non-exclusive data function.


Exclusive DB Cache Client Callback:

rootTableNameit is name of root table.
rootUUIDit is UUID of root.
nodeUUIDit is UUID of node.
propertyNameit is name of attribute that sets values.
operTypeit is the type of calculation.
valueit is value that is going to be applied.
tagVerifying value about request that user need to put in. When you callback, it go throuth m_tag in CCallbackArg.
messageToLoaderIt is a user random message that is sent to a sole owner of the relevant data. The sole owner has this through args.m_loadResults[index].m_message of IDbCacheClientDelegate2::OnSomeoneAddData.
virtual void Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestNonExclusiveRemoveData ( String  rootTableName,
Guid  rootUUID,
Guid  removeUUID,
intptr_t  tag,
ByteArray messageToLoader = ByteArray() 
pure virtual

Accessing non-exclusive data function.


Exclusive DB Cache Client Callback:

rootTableNameit is name of root table.
rootUUIDit is UUID of root.
removeUUIDit is UUID that is going to be eliminated.
tagVerifying value about request that user need to put in. When you callback, it go throuth m_tag in CCallbackArg.
messageToLoaderIt is a user random message that is sent to a sole owner of the relevant data. The sole owner has this through args.m_loadResults[index].m_message of IDbCacheClientDelegate2::OnSomeoneAddData.
virtual void Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestNonExclusiveSetValueIf ( String  rootTableName,
Guid  rootUUID,
Guid  nodeUUID,
String  propertyName,
CVariant  newValue,
ValueCompareType  compareType,
CVariant  compareValue,
intptr_t  tag,
ByteArray messageToLoader = ByteArray() 
pure virtual

Accessing non-exclusive data function. It is changed to newValue if the conditions are satisfied, after comparing the existing value that has been loaded at DBCacheServer and compareValue.


Exclusive DB Cache Client Callback:

rootTableNameit is name of root.
rootUUIDit is UUID of root.
nodeUUIDit is UUID of node.
propertyNameit is name of attribute that sets values.
newValueIt is a value that will be substituted in case relation condition is satisfied.
compareTypeit is the type of relation condition.
compareValueIt is a value that will be compared with the existing value.
tagVerifying value about request that user need to put in. When you callback, it go throuth m_tag in CCallbackArg.
messageToLoaderIt is a user random message that is sent to a sole owner of the relevant data. The sole owner has this through args.m_loadResults[index].m_message of IDbCacheClientDelegate2::OnSomeoneAddData.
virtual void Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestNonExclusiveSnapshotData ( String  rootTableName,
String  fieldName,
CVariant  cmpValue,
intptr_t  tag 
pure virtual

Gets the latest status value as non-exclusively. Accessing non-exclusive data function.

rootTableNameName of root table
tagVerifying value about request that user need to put in. When you callback, it go throuth m_tag in CCallbackArg.
virtual void Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestNonExclusiveSnapshotDataByGuid ( String  rootTableName,
Guid  rootUUID,
intptr_t  tag 
pure virtual

Gets the latest status value as non-exclusively. Accessing non-exclusive data function.

rootTableNameName of root table
tagVerifying value about request that user need to put in. When you callback, it go throuth m_tag in CCallbackArg.
virtual void Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestNonExclusiveSnapshotDataByQuery ( String  rootTableName,
String  searchString,
intptr_t  tag 
pure virtual

Gets the latest status value as non-exclusively. Accessing non-exclusive data function. Callback:

  • IDbCacheClientDelegate2::OnNonExclusiveSnapshotDataSuccess (CCallbackArgs args)
  • IDbCacheClientDelegate2::OnNonExclusiveSnapshotDataFailed (CCallbackArgs args)
rootTableNameName of root table
searchStringQuery for data searching( For after "where")
tagVerifying value about request that user need to put in. When you callback, it go throuth m_tag in CCallbackArg.
virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestRecursiveUpdateData ( CLoadedData2Ptr  loadedData,
intptr_t  tag,
bool  transactional = false 
pure virtual

Instead RequestUpdateData(CPropNodePtr,Guid&), it process add, update, remove, etc to search all under node that LoadedData owned.

  • If you do not set transactional, some data will commit to dbms when it failed.
  • Do not believe data before you receive Notify.
  • Use GetClonedDataBySessionGuid when you need to roll-back.
    loadedDataLoadedData to save changes
    tagVerifying value about request that user need to put in. When you callback, it go throuth m_tag in CCallbackArg.
    transactionalDo transaction as request whether or not
virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestRemoveData ( Guid  rootUUID,
Guid  removeUUID,
intptr_t  tag 
pure virtual

TODO:translate needed. Refer to RequestAddData

virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::RequestUpdateData ( CPropNodePtr  updateData,
intptr_t  tag 
pure virtual

Refer to RequestAddData

virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::UnilateralAddData ( Guid  rootUUID,
Guid  ownerUUID,
CPropNodePtr  addData,
bool  writeDbmsImmediately = true 
pure virtual

Unilateral method

  • Data get cached to memory first then write to DBMS
  • Same type as DbCacheClient
  • We recommend to use it if field does not contain constraints.
  • It does not send event callback because it is one-sided method
    rootUUIDrootUUID of additional data
    ownerUUIDownerUUID of additional data
    addDataadditional data
    writeDbmsImmediatelyIf it is true, it write information of added item to DBMS as soon as possible.
virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::UnilateralMoveData ( String  rootTableName,
Guid  rootUUID,
Guid  nodeUUID,
Guid  destRootUUID,
Guid  destNodeUUID,
bool  writeDbmsImmediately = true 
pure virtual

Unilateral method

  • Data get cached to memory first then write to DBMS
  • Data node(rootUUID,nodeUUID) attach to specified tree node(destRootUUID,destNodeUUID)
  • We recommend to use it if field does not contain constraints.
  • An event is callbacked to DBCacheclient in which data has been moved.
    rootUUIDrootUUID of move node
    ownerUUIDownerUUID of move node
    destRootUUIDdestNodeUUID of attach node
    writeDbmsImmediatelyIf it is true, it write information of added item to DBMS as soon as possible.
virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::UnilateralRecursiveUpdateData ( CLoadedData2Ptr  loadedData,
bool  transactional = false,
bool  writeDbmsImmediately = true 
pure virtual

TODO:translate needed. Refer to AddData

virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::UnilateralRemoveData ( Guid  rootUUID,
Guid  removeUUID,
bool  writeDbmsImmediately = true 
pure virtual

TODO:translate needed. Refer to AddData

virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::UnilateralUpdateData ( CPropNodePtr  updateData,
bool  writeDbmsImmediately = true 
pure virtual

TODO:translate needed. Refer to AddData

virtual bool Proud::CDbCacheClient2::UnloadDataBySessionGuid ( Guid  sessionGuid,
ByteArray messageToNextLoader = ByteArray() 
pure virtual
  • It requests Unload of the certain session and abandons the exclusive right of the relevant data.
  • In order to devolve the exclusive right upon a requester, you need to call this function when OnUnloadDataRequested is called.
    sessionGuidIt is a session Guid of data that needs to be unloaded.
    messageToNextLoaderIt is a user random message that is sent to the exclusive right requester. The requester may check the relevant message through args.m_loadResults[index].m_message of IDbCacheClientDelegate2.OnExclusiveLoadDataSuccess.